The whale deaths, which have not been previously reported, were discussed during recent negotiations between the U.S., China, Russia and two dozen other countries in which officials failed to make ...
The contractor initially proposed a bill of 86.25 million yen to bury the whale that died in Osaka Bay in January ... In the report and during the Jan. 30 news conference, the audit committee ...
calls the deaths an “unusual mortality event,” according to Reuters. “Many of the whales have been skinny and malnourished, and that suggests they may not have gotten enough to eat during their last ...
Since Dec. 2022, 23 whales have washed ashore along the East Coast, with 12 of them in the New York and New Jersey area alone, The New York Times reports. The majority of the deaths have been ...
The upcoming World War II drama stars Ripley ... a key aide to President Eisenhower during the preparations for D-Day. The ...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the cause of death for the female North Atlantic right whale found 50 miles off the southern Virginia Beach coast. The National ...