Scientists have discovered that whales move nutrients thousands of miles -- in their urine -- from as far as Alaska to Hawaii. These tons of nitrogen support the health of tropical ecosystems and fish ...
A sperm whale has died after becoming tangled in ropes and stranding ... “This revealed the extent of the rest of the entanglement which wrapped around the whale’s lower jaw and again around its head.
Showcasing life on our planet, this year's competition highlights the power of photography to capture landscapes, wildlife ...
They have between 40 and 52 teeth in their long, narrow lower jaw which are thick and conical, and can grow to 20cm (eight ...
Check out the amazing moment this diver claims a pod of whales ‘protected’ him from a shark which was swimming nearby.Benoit Girodeau was out diving on the 23rd of February, 2025, in Mauritius when he ...
Read more about sperm whales: Watch underwater footage of the mammal and hear its strange clicking sounds that are crucial to their survival What ...
The lower part of their head is outfitted with a lower jaw that has up to 52 teeth measuring four inches long each. Sperm whales are the largest toothed whale and the largest toothed carnivore in the ...
(CNN) - A rarely seen and little-understood species of whale washed up on a California beach. A pygmy sperm whale washed up on the shore at Pismo State Beach on Valentine’s Day. It’s exciting ...