Later, the hunters find a sperm-whale pod, resulting in a scene straight from Moby-Dick itself. Jaws snap, the sea boil and men and paddles go f1ying, torpedoed from below by panicked cetaceans. Like ...
Coffman Cove commercial fisherman Dugan Paul Daniels, 55, was sentenced on Monday to six months in prison for illegally “taking” an endangered sperm whale and falsifying fishing records in 2020. The ...
They were about to attack a group of sperm whales.  The orcas began to swim in circles around the sperm whales, which tried ...
The 2024 Nature Photography Contest showcases the complicated beauty and inspiring resiliency of our planet. Photographer ...
Scientists have discovered that whales move nutrients thousands of miles -- in their urine -- from as far as Alaska to Hawaii. These tons of nitrogen support the health of tropical ecosystems and fish ...
while weighing as much as 94 tons—roughly as massive as a blue whale. For reference, the predominant megalodon theory puts them at 50-65 feet long and 53-115 tons. Based on their conclusions ...
Movies that are set in or on the ocean have long been very entertaining for audiences, and the new thriller Last Breath is no ...
For about one-half of couples with fertility problems, experts say low sperm count is the cause. But maybe something as simple as changing the kind of underwear a man wears can make a difference.
Prehistoric Whale Jaw Bone Sheds Light on the Evolution of Baleen Hidden in a museums’ collections for years, a fossil provides a link between past and present feeding mechanisms November 29, 2018 ...