Since Homer, Peter, Bandit Heeler from Bluey, and other animated TV dads are at the forefront of their respective shows, we're taking a look at what makes them valuable (in their ...
Eric supported that gift. My kids supported that gift," she said of the time she spent in Tennessee. Speaking of her decision to relocate to Nashville, Simpson explained that it was prompted by a ...
There aren't many human beings on Earth who couldn't pick Bart Simpson or Homer Simpson out of a line-up ... It's Cartwright who provides Nelson Muntz's signature laugh and she also portrays kids ...
Upon re-watching “Bart to the Future”, the seventeenth episode of The Simpsons‘ eleventh season recently, the reality sunk in that we were so close to our first female president. Watching ...
Scott Kelly, a former astronaut and pilot, discusses the moment he mistook an inflated cartoon character for a UFO. The Canadian prime minister welled up during one of his final press conferences ...