Wolf Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell from a screenplay by the writing teams of Whannell and Corbett Tuck, and Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo. It is a reboot of the 1941 film The Wolf Man.
The Invisible Man’ director Leigh Whannell transforms the ‘Wolf Man’ into a story of a guy trying to avoid turning into his father.
Jason Blum put a silver bullet in his reaction to Wolf Man‘s box office. Blum, a producer on the Leigh Whannell-directed reboot, broke his silence on the film’s underperformance when he posted — and then deleted — a meme to his social media.
While 1941's The Wolf Man has influenced countless werewolf movies since its debut, this classic Universal monster movie has several glaring flaws.
Leigh Whannell’s take on the Lon Chaney Jr. classic stumbled at the box office and was almost immediately overshadowed when Nosferatu’s Robert Eggers announced his own werewolf movie—but it’s still a bold and unsettling domestic horror story worthy of your attention.
So let’s get into it. Also, spoilers for Wolf Man are down below. Okay, so I knew next to nothing about this film going into my screening. Legit, the only thing I knew was that it was another ...
Julia Garner won three Emmys for her work in “Ozark.” Now, in “Wolf Man,” she plays a woman in peril. What happened?
The body horror-fueled creature feature struggles to thread the needle of its family-under-siege premise with a cohesive message.
A ccording to an old parable, we all hold two wolves within. We must feed the good wolf in order to build its strength. Then there’s the werewolf. It lives within as well. And when he comes out to play, bringing humanity’s suppressed animalism to the surface, you can bet there’s a bad moon rising.
Unfortunately for Blake, he spots a familiar tattoo on the werewolf's arm, revealing that the werewolf was his father. This tragic reveal is a callback and a reversal of the ending of The Wolf Man.
Leigh Whannell's new "Wolf Man" film stars Christopher Abbott and Julia Garner, and it's filled with twists and turns.
The Wolf Man is among the best-known and most iconic Universal Monsters, and one whose original film can claim credit for solidifying a lot of the mythology around that creature (present in ...