LONDON — No.10 Downing Street warned British MPs it was “not sensible” to leave their drinks unattended after an alleged spiking incident in the country’s. POLI ...
Pollution in EU cities, while slowly improving, is still killing hundreds of thousands of people a year, a new report finds.
Rosen Zhelyazkov is Bulgaria’s new head of government. Bulgarian lawmakers voted in a new prime minister and cabinet Thursday ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned Europe that it has “no chance” against Russia without Ukraine. Speaking to ...
It’s unusual to invite foreign politicians, so Trump is laying down a clear ideological marker with his invitees from across ...
British leader’s trip comes at a key moment, with peace talks on the horizon as Donald Trump returns to power and threatens ...
Tweet @NicholasVinocur @swheaton @EddyWax | Listen to Playbook and view in your browser GOOD THURSDAY MORNING. This is Eddy Wax typing ...
LONDON — Britain’s incoming ambassador to the United States should “avoid being too needy” or driven by short-term tactical ...
The fledgling Paris government is “trying their best” to get a budget through parliament after a previous version sunk its ...
Freed from the Assad family and its apparatus of cruel repression, Syrians remain euphoric about the sudden collapse of a ...
The frosty island sits atop giant oil and gas reserves that climate campaigners say must never see the light of day.
Multiple officials underlined the fragility of the agreement and stressed the importance of how it is implemented. The ...