The Health Minister has allocated many millions of dollars in recent days for primary healthcare and bowel cancer, which is very welcome, but so far can’t find anything in the cupboard for the 700 men ...
Councils around the country who are still holding closed workshops have had a nudge from the Ombudsman to open their doors.
Grant Davidson explains the difficulties in getting international graduates approved and how some of these doctors are ...
ANALYSIS: Te Whatu Ora cost-cutting specialist Leo Foliaki was previously publicly censured by the Institute of Chartered ...
“The refusal of this Government to acknowledge public health as an imperative service, and to fund it in kind, has created an artificial crisis, and while Lester Levy has fallen victim to it today, ...
Statement from the Secretary for Māori Development at Te Puni Kōkiri, Dave Samuels, regarding the Whānau Ora RFP Process. Whānau Ora is focussed on whānau wellbeing. Whānau decide which services and ...
This International Women’s Day, New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) calls on the Government to honour its pre-election promise to pay all nurses equally by ...
“Screening is an essential tool for prevention and early detection, and expanding access will definitely save lives,” said Hagen Tautari, co-chair Te Tiratū Iwi Māori Partnership Board.
A new $330,000 funding initiative to help prevent and address alcohol-related harm in New Zealand’s Pacific communities was officially launched today by Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey.
The unveiling of the Health Minister’s new priorities is a clear signal that the Government wants to rely on the private sector to deliver health services rather than properly funding a public health ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. “It’s past time that Lester’s time ...
The Kate Sheppard National Memorial to Women’s Suffrage has been entered on the New Zealand Heritage List Rārangi Kōrero as a Category 1 historic place. The 2.1-metre-high bas-relief sculpture depicts ...