Classiques du disco, chansons patriotiques et appui de célébrités ont joué un rôle clé dans l’élection américaine. Comment les politiciens utilisent-ils la musique pour susciter l’adhésion des électeu ...
There has also been a decline in American subject matter in school curriculums. The recent removal of John Steinbeck’s Of ...
Director Robert Zemeckis’s new film Here is adapted from the comic strip turned graphic novel of the same name by Richard ...
Caesarean births are rising worldwide, but the UK has one of the highest rates in Europe, with the fastest increase in recent ...
The law on deepfakes of children is more established than for adults, but there are still a lot of challenges.
Extreme heat dries out vegetation and the soil. Wildfires ignite more easily, spread faster and burn with greater intensity ...
On l’aura compris : il est urgent d’alerter l’opinion mondiale sur les dégâts irrémédiables causés au patrimoine culturel ...
Pesquisa com astrobiólogos e cientistas de outras áreas relevantes revela que a maioria concorda com a possibilidade de a ...
Political theorist Elke Schwarz talks to The Conversation Weekly podcast on her new research about venture capital investment ...
Soluções visam, além da recuperação da mobilidade, melhorias na condição funcional dos pacientes, ampliando sua autonomia na ...
Enormous sums of venture capital money and influence is pouring into a defence industry which is being reshaped in the image of Silicon Valley.
Sem freios e contrapesos eficazes e com a moderação de conteúdo a cargo dos usuários, quem ganha o debate político nas redes ...