The brutality of French colonialism is still subject to colonial revisionism. Refusing to acknowledge it implies that any reference to France’s crimes in Algeria would be an insult ‘to the French ...
Khalil’s case has become a test for American democracy, particularly for academic freedom and crucial for immigrants. We need to continue to fight to protect him and to protect all of our rights.
International Viewpoint, the monthly English-language magazine of the Fourth International, is a window to radical alternatives world-wide, carrying reports, analysis and debates from all corners of ...
Chicago. As a DSA member, she has been active in electoral work and campaigns against housing displacement. After the vote of no confidence, let’s finish with Macron and the 5th Republic! The result ...
In Spain, a comrade of Anticapitalistas is in prison for participating in a demonstration against the negationist extreme right. He is 27 years old, has been in prison for one year and still has four ...
Blanca Martínez is a housing rights activists in the tenants’ unions of Madrid, and s member of Anticapitalistas, the Spanish section of the IV e International. After the vote of no confidence, let’s ...
Catalonia and a member of Anticapitalistas, the Spanish section of the IV International. After the vote of no confidence, let’s finish with Macron and the 5th Republic! The result was clear: 331 votes ...
Turkey must choose between the status quo, endless war and peace with the Kurds. This will not be easy. This war has claimed more than 10,000 victims on both sides; 5,000 villages have been razed to ...
Eric Toussaint is a historian and political scientist who completed his Ph.D. at the universities of Paris VIII and Liège, is the international spokesperson of the CADTM (Committee for the Abolition ...
The student movement, the spearhead of the popular movement in recent months, has shown a remarkable ability to overcome the regime’s manoeuvres. Its determination to maintain its demands has already ...