Norm McDonald's relentless roasting of O.J. Simpson ... It's a tie. I simply can't choose one over the other, as they are both classics. Martin Short as Nathan Thurm kills me. In this clip he's ...
The Anniversary Celebration,' which featured iconic sketches, musical performances and appearances from former cast members.
Clips included Dan Aykroyd’s Weekend Update ... He’s also the elderly dad-to-be of the baby Cecily Strong’s Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation With at a Party is carrying.
Jessica Simpson is speaking her truth through her music. The pop singer, 44, seemingly called out her ex Eric Johnson, 45, in a fiery new track titled "Leave." "What we had was magic/Now you made ...
Jessica Simpson is reflecting on a fearful time in her life. In a new interview with The Cut, Simpson – who recently split from husband Erik Johnson – opened up about the positive impact her ...
It's been a rather unfortunate and disappointing week for the Charlotte Hornets, but maybe they can take a small victory in the play of KJ Simpson in Tuesday night's loss to the Golden State Warriors.
Jessica Simpson has new music coming, and the singer says its helping to heal her heart. Simpson’s “Use My Heart Against Me” will debut this week, the first song off her upcoming ...