The risk for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is increased following COVID-19, according to a study published online Jan. 13 in the J ...
Work-related stress is associated with worse cardiovascular health, underscoring the importance of workplace psychological well-being.
Soft multifocal lens treatment for myopia can be discontinued in the later teenage years without a rebound effect.
Patients with aqueous deficient DED may experience reduced instillation discomfort following cold instillation of cyclosporine A.
Vaccination prior to COVID-19 infection does not significantly affect neurological symptoms in patients with postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
U.S. workers who report high job strain experience significantly more sleep disturbances over time, according to a study published online Jan. 8 in the American ...
There is high-certainty evidence that incentives improve smoking cessation rates at long-term follow-up across populations.
The Florey Dementia Index (FDI) is valid for predicting the age of onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer ...
A novel arabinogalactan-, hyaluronic acid-, and trehalose-containing artificial tear improves dry eye disease symptoms.
Severe maternal morbidity events in first pregnancy were associated with a significantly reduced likelihood of subsequent ...
The US Food and Drug Administration now requires and has approved safety labeling changes to the prescribing information for ...
Frequency and duration of contact lens use and applying eyeshadow or eyeliner can increase the risk for meibomian gland ...