Delaware, fin whale and Washed Up

VOV.VN - A 100-kg whale was discovered lifeless on a beach in Thach Hai commune, in the central city of Ha Tinh on the ...
A dead whale is washed up on the Delaware River near Pigeon Point, just north of Delaware Memorial Bridge. Ritter Dragonfly Dronography's Dale Ritter captured images of the animal Sunday morning ...
A whale carcass washed up on Pismo State Beach last week — and the cause of death is still unknown, according to the Marine Mammal Center. California State Parks rangers found the adult pygmy ...
The 15-tonne whale, which was already significantly decomposed, was buried in dunes behind Mooball Beach - several kilometres ...
The bones of a blue whale that washed up on a Nova Scotia beach in 2017 are about to be hung up on display at Dalhousie University. Chris Harvey-Clark, a university veterinarian, spoke to the CBC's ...