A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
Footage by Lars Bejder shows a humpback whale urinating underway near Hawaii. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by ...
The cause of the whale's death is unclear at this time. It was spotted at Seashore State Park, which is located between Dewey and Bethany beaches.
A humpback whale has reportedly stranded on a Sussex County beach Wednesday night according to the Delaware Department of ...
The researchers aboard the underwater vessel recorded its high-pitched song in a footage that is quite hauntingly beautiful.
I can’t remember if I’ve seen a whale”. A close encounter with one of these larger-than-life leviathans is a life-changing ...
Eavesdropping on whale songs over 6 years shows the number of days humpbacks have been singing has nearly doubled–with their ...
A seaside town has a new tourist attraction unlike anything else seen after some curious creatures have been spotted with ...
Whale songs reveal shifts in ocean conditions, offering vital insights into prey availability and ecosystem health.
REHOBOTH BEACH, De. - A humpback whale died after washing up at Delaware Seashore State Park Thursday morning. FOX 5 received pictures and videos of the whale from a Delaware photographer, Jen ...